2025 Confirmation Class

Confirmation Liturgy is scheduled for Friday, May 2nd 2025 at 7pm. 


Please email Joe or Katie if you are unable to attend any of the following meetings:

Confirmation Meetings

There are no set Confirmation meeting dates for the Spring 2025 semester. Instead, Candidates can attend ANY 4 Life Nights. Life Nights for the Spring Semester run Sunday, January 12th – Sunday, April 27th 2025. More info about Life Nights can be found here. 

Teen & Sponsor Meeting

Wednesday, April 30 2025

7pm in the Church

    Choosing Your Sponsor

     A Sponsor for Confirmation should be:

    • A practicing, faith-filled Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. If married, their marriage must also be in good standing with the Catholic Church.
    • Must be at least 16 years of age.
    • Can not be a parent of the candidate.
    • Able to form a relationship with the Candidate and willing to share his/her own experience of faith.
    • Willing to give the time to participate in the sacramental preparation process and to pray for the Candidate.

    All confirmation sponsors must provide a sponsor certificate. 

    This form will be provided by the sponsor’s home parish and will need to be signed by their parish priest and returned to Katie Rosen at the Parish Office. This certificate confirms that they are a registered and participating member of the Christian community.

    Choosing Your Confirmation Name

    When choosing your Confirmation name, consider:
    • You may be confirmed in your Baptismal name. By keeping your Baptismal name, rather than choosing a new Confirmation name, it reaffirms your Baptismal name and strengthens the connection between the two sacraments.
    • If a new name is chosen, selecting a saint’s name is common practice. One should choose a saint they admire and wish to emulate in the Christian life.

    Need help researching saint names? Check out this article!

    Sponsors and Confirmation names need to be selected by January 1, 2025.

    We encourage you and your teen to take time to discern their confirmation name and sponsor. When they are ready they can fill out the form below.

    Still need to complete your application?